Eikon API Symbology Lookup - Why would Best Match fail?

Sometimes the API returns bestMatch and other times it does not.

Is there any API additional developer documentation that explains when/why the bestMatch would fail?

Find Python lookup here:

symbol = ek.get_symbology(ticker, from_symbol_type="ticker", to_symbol_type="RIC", raw_output=True, debug=True, best_match=False)
print(symbol) => {'mappedSymbols': [{'RICs': ['AAPL.O', 'AAPL1.AS', 'AAPL.OQ', 'AAPL.DG', ...], 'bestMatch': {'error': 'No best match available'}, 'symbol': 'AAPL'}]}

searching BAC ticker

print(symbol) => {'mappedSymbols': [{'RICs': ['BAC', 'CAMS.SI', 'BAC.CD', 'BAC.N', 'BAC.TH', ...], 'bestMatch': {'RIC': 'BAC'}, 'symbol': 'BAC'}]}

I will be looking up many symbols that might not be NASDAQ or NYSE so it would help to know the rules so I can code properly.

Best Answer

  • Hello @Andrew.Haber ,

    As the result of the request with best_match = False is the list of instrument names converted into requested instrument type= RIC, I do not believe that get_symbology conversion request that is submitted fails, it succeeds in obtaining the result.

    Error 'No best match available' is how API notifies that for this specific conversion request, no best match is available. For some conversion requests there is the best match (primary symbol) and for some- it does not exist, resulting in this notification.

    To verify the specific symbology mapping availability, Refinitiv content experts can be of help, you can engage directly via Refinitiv content support, please include the specific details, the instruments and the mapping requirements.

    Hope that this information is of help.


  • Hi @Andrew.Haber

    I tried your request using the above API example and also using the Refinitiv Data Library for Python, which uses the Search Lookup to return the best match results. For example:


    For some reason, the ticker 'AAPL' does not have a best match. There may be a legitimate reason for this. I would suggest you reach out to the Helpdesk - they will involve a content specialist who can provide an explanation.