Error Text channel out of buffers errorId=-4 errorText=channel out of buffers

I am using the API version below to submit 7800 messages. This worked fine for months but is suddenly giving me the error below.

API Version



ClientName: SingleItem
Severity: Error
Text: Internal error: rsslChannel.submit() failed in SingleItem.submit(PostMsg)RsslChannel 0
Error Id -3
Internal sysError 0
Error Location Watchlist.encodeIntoBufferAndQueue
Error Text channel out of buffers errorId=-4 errorText=channel out of buffers

How can I resolve this error?

Best Answer

  • @jerome.raghunandan

    Sorry about the issue that you are facing.

    If you are using an OMMConsumer to send post messages, it could relate to the size of GuaranteedOutputBuffers used by the underlying API, as mentioned in the previous discussion.

    I found you posted an answer in that discussion. If you don't have an EmaConfig.xml file, it will use the default value of the GuaranteedOutputBuffers configuration.

    Instead of using the EmaConfig.xml file, you can programmatically create EMA configurations. Please refer to the ex421_MP_ProgrammaticCfg example that shows how to create the programmatic configuration feature of EMA.

    I hope that this information is of help.



    Thanks for the response @Jirapongse. I managed to resolve the issue by creating an EmaConfig.xml file and placing it in the root folder of my application. I found that is the default location the API looks in for the file. I set the GuaranteedOutputBuffers in the file and that fixed the issue. I have attached an example of the EmaConfig.xml file I created.