RFA Configuration: Need rfa.cfg to connect to two SSL sources simultaneously App built with rfa 7.6

I'd very much appreciate your help! I would like to know how to configure my rfa.cfg file to subscribe to two SSL sources.


Collocated ADH/ADS server with C++ RFA 7.6 32-bit application configured as subscriber (createMarketDataSubscriber) on a route which is sink-driven. I have two Interactive providers supporting routes 1 & 2. Each route (route1 & route2) is configured for SSL.

The application works fine when it is configured to connect to either of the two routes, Session1 or Session2. However, as soon as two routes are specified within the application runtime, data from only one of the sources comes through. I've stepped through the code and can see that the application executes subscription requests on both routes,

Here is what I have:


I have guessed that my issue relates to "horizontal scaling" and so I have added the line "Adapter\SSLED_ADAPTER\singleton = false" but this is a complete guess based on an answer to a similar question relating to RSSL in this community and it doesn't seem fix my issue.

ADHMON & ADSMON tells me i have the routes active:


I have been told that the application has connected to both routes simultaneously and successfully but that was in a configuration where there were two instances of ADH/ADS running on separate machines and distinct from the machine hosting the application.

Any help or insight would be much appreciated!

Best Answer

  • After more investigation, it turned out that the RFAREC source was not publishing RICs with the expected names and so the subscription string was not matching. I misinterpreted the failure for the subscriber to receive data as a problem with the configuration of ADH/ADS and the subscribers rfa configuration. Once the RFAREC PROVIDER was corrected everything worked as expected.


  • @David-J-Brown

    Thanks for reaching out to us.

    Instead of using multiple sessions, you can add another connection into the connectionList configuration instead.

    \Sessions\Session1\connectionList= "Connection_SSLED, Connection_SSLED2"

    With this configuration, Session1 will create connections to tfd-redhat1:8101 and tfd-redhat1:8201 and the application can subscribe to any services available on those servers.

  • Thank you for this excellent suggestion. However, it caused the application to fail. I think the main reason for this is that the user is able to specify two sessions in our applications interface and therefore I could not remove the line "|sessions\Session2\ConnectionList". The client wanted to be able to connect to 2 pairs of ADH/ADS servers, each pair running on their own machine.