Refinitiv RTO Module Authentication for Multiple IP Addresses


I am currently using Refinitiv's Real-Time Optimized (RTO) module to stream price data of instruments.

I have a few technical questions about RTO that I would need help with. Please find them listed below --

  1. Can the same RTO authentication credential be used across two different IP addresses to access and stream prices from the RTO module at the same time?
  2. If Q1 is true, what is the maximum number of active connections/subscriptions that RTO supports at any given time?
  3. If Q1 is false, then what is the expected behaviour if one or more IP addresses attempt to access RTO (using the same credential) when an existing connection at a different IP address is present?

Thank you very much.



Best Answer

  • wasin.w
    wasin.w admin
    Answer ✓

    Hello @shankar.chandran

    Thank you for reaching out to us. The answers to your questions are based on the version of the RDP authentication that is used by your account.

    ### Version 1 Authentication ###

    If your credentials are Machine ID (GE-A-XXXXXXXX-X-XXXX), Password, and App Key (Client_ID), you are using the RDP Version 1 Authentication.

    Question 1: Can the same RTO authentication credential be used across two different IP addresses to access and stream prices from the RTO module at the same time?

    Answer: No, it is not advisable to use a single Machine ID with multiple applications/sessions.

    Question 3: What is the expected behavior if one or more IP addresses attempt to access RTO using the same credential?

    Answer: I cannot provide an exact error message for you, but the applications may encounter an authentication error when an access token expires or when the applications attempt to refresh an access token (the sessions try to steal the "active session" from each other).

    If you are using the Version 1 Authentication, I highly recommend you reach out to your Refinitiv representative to get multiple Machine IDs if you want to run multiple applications/sessions.

    ### Version 2 Authentication ###

    If your credentials are Client ID (GE-XXXXXXXXXXXX) and Client Secret, or JWT Public/Private Key, you are using the RDP Version 2 Authentication (aka CIAM).

    Question 1: Can the same RTO authentication credential be used across two different IP addresses to access and stream prices from the RTO module at the same time?

    Answer: Yes, the Version 2 Authentication supports multiple sessions with single Service ID (credential)

    Question 2: what is the maximum number of active connections/subscriptions that RTO supports at any given time?

    Answer: The maximum number is 5.

    FYI: Changes to Customer Access and Identity Management: Refinitiv Real-Time - Optimized article.

    I hope this information helps you.