Backend Error 400 ... creeping up regularly ... is there a way to avoid?

I am getting the famous 400 relatively often. Process runs fine, the slows. Same Code for ages, sometimes produces the error, sometimes not.

Is there a way to get to the bottom of it?

Had a couple of '500' as well, rarely though.

Again, absolutely no code changes from my side

Python 3.9.16, DataSPELL, Eikon 1.1.16

Best Answer

  • aramyan.h
    Answer ✓

    Hi ,

    That's not an authentication issue, and perhaps is related to API overload. My colleague @jason.ramchandani01 is suggesting a workflow to overcome the issue in this thread. You may want to have a look and see if that can be applied to your case.

    Best regards,



  • HI ,

    Are you using large number of RICs/fields in one request? Would you mind trying our latest RD Libraries for Python? Happy to suggest RD equivalent of your eikon code if required.

    Best regards,


  • thanks, moving to RDP is on my list, however, failed a few times. Seemed temperamental.

    do you have an easy guide?


  • sure, I believe this GitHub repo would be very handful both for QuickStart and for more advanced queries.

    Best regards,


  • Quick glance at it - not too obvious - will need more time soon

    So apart from switching to RDP there really is no answer to random Error 400 and, lately, 500 errors creeping up?

    Authentication issues?