How can Customer Risk Screener Users screen against Media Check?

Customer Risk Screener doesn't currently support screening against Media Check, are there any work arounds available to customers who want to screen cases against World-Check?

Best Answer

  • Hannah.Quinn
    Answer ✓

    Media Check is not currently available in Customer Risk Screener. Customers who require Media Check can take advantage of the API however they would not be able to get a seamless integration into CRS within Salesforce.

    Where Media Check Screening is only required occasionally then a work around is to create custom deep links on the screening case that will take you directly to the record in World-Check Desktop.

    The user will then be able to edit and rescreen the case within World-Check One Desktop and add the Check Type Media Check.

    The user can resolve matches and use the Risk Rating and Reason to capture their comments.

    A scheduled job can be run in Salesforce to fetch updated records from World-Check desktop and pull them into Salesforce. This will sync the Risk Rating and Reason back into Salesforce however it won’t bring in any Media Check results.


  • Hello @Hannah.Quinn

    Thank you for reaching out to us. I am contacting the World-Check team to look into the question.