Remove ADS Cache

i am using ads pop configuration for our system.

How do i remove cache ADS (downstream connectivity to ads), so every time downstream is subscribing a RIC, it will get a new image.


Best Answer

  • wasin.w
    wasin.w admin
    Answer ✓

    Hello @weishengtay

    Thank you for contacting us. I found the ADS-cache related parameters on the ads_pop.cnf file as follows:

    ! *ads*${svc}*cacheLocation : ssl
    !    cacheLocation: { ssl, srcApp }
    !    Inidicates where the data cache will be maintained.
    !    ssl    - The data cache will be maintained in the ads.
    !    srcApp - The data cache will be maintained in the source application,
    !              i.e, the ads will not cache data.
    !    Note: Setting this parameter to srcApp has no affect on aggregated
    !    services. To disable caching, use domainsCached and domainsNotCached.
    !    Default value: ssl
    ! *ads*${svc}*cacheType : sinkDriven
    !    cacheType: { sinkDriven, sourceDriven }
    !    sinkDriven   - The cache content is determined by sink/network demand.
    !                   A sink-driven server is allowed to add an item to its
    !                   cache only upon the reception of an Open request.
    !                   This type of server functions as an interactive datafeed
    !                   handler and was formerly called a "Selective Cache" server.
    !    sourceDriven - The cache content is determined solely by the source
    !                   application/ datafeed. Network demand has no bearing on
    !                   the contents of the cache. A source-driven server is
    !                   allowed to add an item to its cache at any time.
    !                   This type of server functions as a broadcast datafeed
    !                   handler and was formerly called a "Full Cache" server.
    !    Default value: sinkDriven


    ! [Source Service]
    ! *ads*domainsCached :
    ! domainsCached: Defines a list of domains for which caching is enabled.
    ! If domainsCached variable has entries, then any domain not in the list
    ! will not be cached.
    ! For example, to cache only level 1 data:
    !      *ads*domainsCached: MARKET_PRICE
    ! If the variable domainsCached have entries then it takes precedence in
    ! the processing and the variable domainsNotCached is ignored.
    ! To enable caching for all domains:
    !      *ads*domainsCached: ALL
    ! *ads*domainsNotCached :
    ! domainsNotCached: Defines a list of domains for which caching is disabled.
    ! If domainsNotCached variable has entries, then any domain other than the
    ! entries in the list will be cached.
    ! For example, to disable caching for level 2 data:
    !     *ads*domainsNotCached: MARKET_MAKER, MARKET_BY_ORDER, MARKET_BY_PRICE

    However, I highly recommend you contact the ADS support team directly to help you with the ADS configuration in detail. You can submit a support ticket to the ADS support team via the page.
