Connection down reconnecting


I am setting up the environment currently and running the steps in the quick start guide.

I went and ran the following command:

C:\jars\jars_reuters\setup\\Eta\Applications\Examples>java -cp ./bin;../../Libs/upa.jar;../../Libs/upaValueAdd.jar;../../Libs/upaValueAddC ache.jar com.thomsonreuters.upa.valueadd.examples.consumer.Consumer -c elektron: 14002 ELEKTRON_AD mp:AAPL.O

I am getting the following error:

Ultra Performance API (UPA), Java Edition, LibraryVersionInfo productVersion: etaj3.0.3.L1.all.rrg productInternalVersion: etaj3.0.3.L1 productDate: Tue Nov 15 12:44:01 CST 2016 Thomson Reuters Consumer initializing... Unable to load field dictionary. Will attempt to download from provider. Text: Can't open file: RDMFieldDictionary Unable to load enum dictionary. Will attempt to download from provider. Text: Can't open file: enumtype.def Connection down reconnecting Error text: java.nio.channels.UnresolvedAddressException Connection down reconnecting Error text: Reconnection failed: java.nio.channels.UnresolvedAddressException

Kindly suggest.

Best Answer

  • Hi @bonson

    Are you trying to connect a real data feed or trying to connect to locally running Provider example to mimic a feed?

    If you are trying to connect to a real data feed you need to know the IP address or hostname of the server that is provided the data feed.

    for example I can run the above example with the following parameters:

    -c ELEKTRON_DD mp:VOD.L -uname umer.nalla

    In the above example '' is the IP address of the server which provides the ELEKTRON_DD service and the port is the default port of '14002'.

    I am then requesting a 'MarketPrice' for 'VOD.L' from the ELEKTRON_DD service and also specifying my user name of 'umer.nalla'

    Also, note the lack of a space between the : and port i.e.

    The error you report suggest it cannot make a valid connection to the server 'elektron' that you have specified. Is this a valid server name? Also, it is trying to load the dictionary files locally, but since they are not present it will then attempt to download them - once a successful connection to the server has been established.

    If you are unsure of the server details / service name / username etc you should speak to your local Market Data team or your Thomson Reuters Account Manager.


  • Hi @bonson

    Within the quickstart, refer to the troubleshooting section which will detail the issue you may be encountering, i.e. connection.

  • Hello Umer Nalla,

    Thank you for your response. I understand now that my user needs to be assigned a valid server name to connect. How do I get that?

    I had just for my personal research, created a ID on Thompson Reuters and was trying to access content using code.

    How does a general user know his local Market Data team or your Thomson Reuters Account Manager.

    Thanks again for the response.



  • Hi Nick,

    Thank you for the response. I wanted to know how to get the server details I need to connect to.

    I am a new user. I created my account by giving my details and then was trying out the base code.



  • Hi,

    To access Thomson Reuters data you generally need to have a contract or agreement with Thomson Reuters.

    If you are a corporate user, speak to your Market Data team for further information.

    If you are personal user exploring our APIs then you can run a local Provider example in order to create a dummy feed and then direct connect with a Consumer example.

    So, for example if you run the Provider example and the Consumer example with defaults parameters - on the same PC - the Consumer should connect to the Provider and request some dummy data, which Provider should provide.