Force Logout from DACS with WarmStandbyMode (Service Mode)


I am using ema3.6.6.L1, Recently my application stopped receiving elektron price updates with above error. As mentioned in, this should be handled by the application whenever error is "Force Logout from DACS.". What are the other situation that i should handle whenever stream is closed ? For warm standby mode, shouldn't this be handled by the API itself ? For an example, if force logout with an error, shouldn't api try to receive price updates from standby server ?

Best Answer

  • wasin.w
    wasin.w admin
    Answer ✓

    Hello @thilinaillangasinghe

    Did the forced disconnection occur on the active connection only or both?

    The RTSDK team confirms if the API is force-closed/force-logout due to DACS, the warm standby feature would not be recovery from this scenario. The application needs to re-create the OMMConsumer to re-open the login stream to reconnect to the server.


  • Hello @thilinaillangasinghe

    The domain="Login Domain" with “State: Closed/Suspect/Not entitled - text: "Force Logout from DACS."” indicates that the logins stream between the API and the server is closed. The closed login stream also closes all opened streams (including items streams) and the API will not recover the streams.

    • If the StreamState is “OPEN” and DataState is “SUSPECT” (example Item State: Open / Suspect / None / 'channel down.'): It means the stream is still opened but the data is not available. The API automatically reconnect and re-subscribe items for the application
    • If the StreamState is “CLOSED” and DataSate is “SUSPECT”: It means the stream is closed and the API will not re-subscribe that stream for the application

    The "Force Logout from DACS." error message is generated from the Refinitiv Real-Time server side. It means the RTO server was the one that cut a connection. Based on my research, the problem is most likely related to the following causes:

    • During the RTO maintenance windows
    • Use a single Machine-ID with multiple applications/connections/sessions
    • Unknow cause, need to contact the RTO server team to verify the issue on the server side

    ### Next Step ###

    I am contacting the RTSDK team to verify if the warm standby supports this scenario.

  • That for following it up
    @wasin.w .

    There was no indication of forced disconnection in standby server in logs (Note that i had only warnings/errors enabled in EMA logs.

  • @wasin.w , Regarding following point,

    The problem is most likely related to the following causes:

    • During the RTO maintenance windows


    In a scenario like this, should the application still try to re-create the OMMConsumer to re-open the login stream ? Because RTO maintenance window could last for some time right ?

  • Hello @thilinaillangasinghe

    About the RTO maintenance windows timeframe, you can find more detail on section 5 “Product & Usage” of the document.

    If this "Force Logout from DACS." occurred outside the maintenance window, I highly recommend you contact the RTO support team to investigate the issue on the server side.

  • Thanks. Is there a documentation mentioning, Force Logout From DACs cannot be handled by EMA libs, instead it should be handled by application user?