RTC DOCKER repository access


Trying to build the docker container for RTC. Having trouble with the first step - access to the repository. We cannot access the repository at registry.access.redhat.com/ubi8/ubi or any other repository that are the other side of the firewall.

So to solve this we copied the RTC image into our internal repository.

refinitivrealtime/rtc image 3.7.1.L1

The new problem is it seems that this image is locked to user id 500 and group id 500. (Taken form the RTC docker manual)

5.5 Using Existing Docker Image from refinitivrealtime Docker Hub

The User ID and Group ID are used when building Docker image in Section 5.4. Docker images are built with -u 500 -g 500, which is the

default User ID and Group ID for the AWS EC2 default user, and released to refinitivrealtime. If you plan to download Docker images and use them directly instead of building your Docker image as described in Section 5.4, you must make ensure your login account’s User ID and

Group ID are both 500 at first, and then create Named Volumes and set up Docker networks following Section 5.2 and Section 5.3.

I doubt I can change my userid and groupid since these are set at a admin level.

I am asking if I can change the userid and groupid. And I am asking if I can access the redhat repository. I fear that the answer to both these questions will be no.

Do you know of another possible solution ?

Are you able to change the userid and group id for us ?

best regards


Best Answer

  • Jirapongse
    Answer ✓


    Thank you for reaching out to us.

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