Merge and Acquisition

Hi, I want to fetch the merge and acquisition data for a RIC where the RIC is as target not acquiror. Like I want to find that the RIC WTB.L (Whitbread PLC) is acquired by any another company. Is there a way where we can specify the RIC as target and find its acquiror company or is there any field for it. Please help me out ASAP.

Best Answer

  • @vishnu01

    It is easier to use the search functionality as mentioned by my colleague.

    However, to use Eikon Data API, you need to use screener.

    First, you need to retrieve the organization PermId of WTB.L and then use the PermId in the screener to filter the results by using the TR.MnATargetPermId field.

    For example:

    df, err = ek.get_data("WTB.L",fields=["TR.OrganizationID"])
    OrgPermId = df["Organization PermID"].values[0]

    screener_exp = 'SCREEN(U(IN(DEALS)), IN(TR.MnATargetPermId,"'+str(OrgPermId)+'"))'
    deals, err = ek.get_data(

    The output is:


    You use the Data Item Browser tool to search for available fields.



  • Hi @vishnu01 ,

    Thank you for you question. Below I have tried to bullt a quiery using our search capabilities which hopefully returns the data you are after:

    MnA =
    view = rd.discovery.Views.DEALS_MERGERS_AND_ACQUISITIONS,
    query = 'WTB.L*',
    filter = "TargetRIC eq '*WTB.L*'",
    select = 'TransactionAnnouncementDate,TargetRIC, TargetCompanyName, AcquirerCompanyName, TargetMidIndustry, TargetMidIndustry, RCSAcquirerCountryName',
    order_by = 'TransactionAnnouncementDate desc',
    top = 1000)

    screenshot-2023-10-09-at-132513.pngFor more questions how to use search and find the best way to find teh properties you are after I would advice looking into this and this articles.

    Hope this helps, happy to answer any follow on question re the quiery

    Best regards,


  • Hi, I'm using the Refinitiv eikon library to fetch the data. can you please provide me the code using eikon.
  • Hi @vishnu01, I am afraid eikon doesn't have Search capabilities. Please note, that you can access the RD libs with your existing license. Please check the details of the library here.
  • Thank you so much for the quick response. Is there any tutorial or documentation regarding the screener. How to use it and how to create formulas and all.

  • The above code is not supporting for SDate and EDate parameters. If i want to get the data in specific range then how can I get it. And is it possible without using the screener we can get this data ?
  • @vishnu01

    It is the same formula generated by the Screener app, as mentioned in this article.

    You can add other conditions in the screener formula, such as the TR.MnAAnnDate field. For example:

    df, err = ek.get_data("WTB.L",fields=["TR.OrganizationID"])
    OrgPermId = df["Organization PermID"].values[0]
    screener_exp = 'SCREEN(U(IN(DEALS)), BETWEEN(TR.MnAAnnDate,20190201,20231012), IN(TR.MnATargetPermId,"'+str(OrgPermId)+'"))'
    deals, err = ek.get_data(

    You may contat the helpdesk support directly via MyRefinitiv to get the valid screener formula that suits your requirments.

    As far as I know, we can get this data by using the RD search or screener.

    However, you may also ask the helpdesk support team to verify if the =TR formula in the Eikon Excel can be used to retrieve this data. If the =TR formula is available, we can apply the same parameters to the ek.get_data method.

  • Thank you so much for the quick response.

    is there any field where we can find how many shares investors would get in acquiring company for every share of target company

  • I also want to add

    'TR.DealStatus','TR.DealType','TR.DealSynopsis','TR.DealAnnouncementDate','TR.DealCurrency', 'TR.DealPricePerShare', 'TR.DealValueAnnounced', 'TR.DealCashAmount','TR.DealCashAmountType','TR.DealCashCurrency','TR.DealEquitySwapAmount','TR.DealEquitySwapAmountType','TR.DealClosedDate' fields in above formula. I added them but I'm not getting the correct data. Is there another name for them in MnA. I searched in DIB with TR.MnA but not found these fileds but in code creator merge and acquisition we have these fields. Please help me for that. please provide me the forumula with all those fields including above fields.

  • @vishnu01

    It is better to contact the content support team directly via MyRefinitiv to verify the formula or get the valid formula that suits your requirments.

    You can ask the helpdesk support team for the =TR formula in Eikon Excel that can be used to retrieve this data. If the =TR formula is available, we can apply the same parameters to the ek.get_data method.

  • You can use the DSCREEN app to find the MnA fields.
