EMA Library duplicating IDs


We have developed a solution that uses EMA library to connect to RRTO, this solution was developed to expose a REST service so they can request prices and not get them directly to the feed.

But due to the high use the EMA library is duplicating IDs, we would like to know if this a library bug.


Best Answer

  • wasin.w
    wasin.w admin
    Answer ✓

    Hello @Raven Ann

    I found that the issue was submitted to the Real-Time APIs support team (RDC).

    The team suggest the client uses a closure (e.g. numeric value) in an item request and they can use the closure match the item with its data received in onRefreshMsg(…) callback method instead of using the handlers.


  • @Raven Ann

    Thank you for reaching to us.

    Please verify the version of EMA that you are using. The current version is RTSDK Java Release 2.1.2.L1 (Sep 8, 2023) and EMA Java 3.7.2.L1.

    You can migrate the application to use the latest version to avoid all known issues. You can download it from the developer portal.

  • Hello Jirapongse,

    Appreciate your reply on this, may I ask if the duplicating of IDs occurs because of outdated EMA?

    Thank you.

  • @Raven Ann

    I couldn't replicate this issue with the consumer example in the latest EMA package. The example is quite simple. I think it is better to migrate the application to use the latest version of EMA to avoid all known issues.

    However, if the problem still occurs in the latest version, you need to contact the API support team directly to verify what the problem is.

  • Hello @Jirapongse

    Client is using EMA version Which team should we contact?

  • @neri.wong01

    The client needs to contact Refinitiv Developer Connect (RDC) but the client must be a RDC named user in order to access this service.

    The client can login to https://developers.lseg.com/en/api-catalog/refinitiv-real-time-opnsrc/rt-sdk-java. If the client is a named user, the client will see the Contact Premium Support link.

    Otherwise, the client can raise this issue via GitHub.

  • Hello @Jirapongse,

    May you provide what team we should reach out when the issue occurs in EMA version

    Client raised an issue where they tested this new version of to connect to our streaming session but it does not work.

    But works fine when they use version of ema and eta.

    Hoping to your response about this. Thank you.

  • @Raven Ann

    The client can contact the API support team directly via Contact Premium Support to verify what the problem is. However, the client needs to be a RDC (Refinitiv Developer Connect) named user to get this service.