ADH/ADS : Item not found in cache when posting data using Non interactive provider


We are trying to use NIProvider to publish custom items on ADH using a dedicated service name.

It seems to work but we are not able to consume the data from ADS using the same service name.

On RTC when checking the item on ADS we get the error :

Stream State : Closed

Data State : Suspect

State Code : None

Status Text : *F10 Not in cache

How the link is done between ADS/ADH services, I noticed there is a serviceId. Is it the key?

Note that our customer is using RTC.

On our local environment it is working with NI_PUB on our TREP server but when using another service we get another error :


domain="MarketPrice Domain"

state="Closed / Suspect / Not found / '*The record could not be found'"





We are not able to understand the cause of the issue.

Can you help us?



Best Answer

  • @Nicolas.Belhoste1

    Thank you for reaching out to us.

    You may need to contact the RTDS support team directly via MyRefinitiv to verify the infrastructure and RTDS configurations.

    When using NIProvider, the connections should look like this:


    I assume that RTC is similar to ADS POP.

    If the NIProvide publishes data to the NI_PUB service, typically the consumer also needs to consume data from that service.

    "F10 Not in cache" indicates that the RTDS can't find this item in its cache. Typically, NIProvider operates in Source Driven mode and it publishes data to RTDS cache.

    It is better to contact the support team to check the infrastructure compoments and configurations.