I am trying to pass my IP Address in the format of "IPAddress/net" in the ENAME_POSITION field when

I am trying to pass my IP Address in the format of "IPAddress/net" in the ENAME_POSITION field when sending a login request.

Best Answer

  • The exception message implies that the login stream currently is not opened. It seems that your login request with different IP address has been rejected so the stream was closed.

    Please verify the Login response received in your application. For the "RFA .Net Tutorials / step 8", the Login response will be logged to console. Below is the example of the Login Denied response.

    <- Received MMT_LOGIN - Login Denied
    streamState : Closed
    dataState : Suspect
    statusCode : NotAuthorized
    statusText : A21: A required argument was NULL

    You can post the Login response and the value passed in the POSITION field here.


  • Please provide details of error message you encounter and also include code snippets and any config files that you are using.

  • Invalid usage exception message:“OMMConsumer::registerClient() has been called with an item request prior to login request. Login request is expected first.

    When I pass an IP address different from the default value "", the login request passes but an exception is raised when sending a subscription request. This error message sounds like the login request was not sent or taken into account. I am using the sample code provided in "RFA .Net Tutorials / step 8", with RFA API .Net version 7.5.0.L1.