ERROR: processing did not complete successfully !

Trying to download ZFU8 I get the following response

Chain Identifier: ChainRIC 0#ZFU8, Constituents: 2
RIC 1FVU8^0,
Start date 29.08.2008 0:00:00,
Change Date 31.05.2014 0:00:00,
Expiration Date 30.09.2008 0:00:00,
RIC 1FVU8^0,
Start date 29.08.2008 0:00:00,
Change Date 01.10.2016 0:00:00,
Expiration Date 30.09.2008 0:00:00,
RIC 1FVU8^0,
Start date 29.08.2008 0:00:00,
Change Date 31.08.2017 0:00:00,
Expiration Date 30.09.2008 0:00:00,
Start date ,
Change Date 02.07.2006 0:00:00,
Expiration Date 19.09.2008 0:00:00,
Start date ,
Change Date 06.07.2006 0:00:00,
Expiration Date 19.09.2008 0:00:00,
Start date 29.08.2008 0:00:00,
Change Date 02.06.2007 0:00:00,
Expiration Date 19.09.2008 0:00:00,
Start date ,
Change Date 15.06.2007 0:00:00,
Expiration Date ,
Start date ,
Change Date 01.07.2007 0:00:00,
Expiration Date 30.09.2008 0:00:00,
Start date ,
Change Date 07.07.2007 0:00:00,
Expiration Date 30.09.2008 0:00:00,
Start date ,
Change Date 26.07.2007 0:00:00,
Expiration Date 30.09.2008 0:00:00,
Start date ,
Change Date 04.08.2007 0:00:00,
Expiration Date 30.09.2008 0:00:00,
Start date ,
Change Date 17.08.2007 0:00:00,
Expiration Date 30.09.2008 0:00:00,
Start date 29.08.2008 0:00:00,
Change Date 24.08.2007 0:00:00,
Expiration Date 30.09.2008 0:00:00,
Start date 29.08.2008 0:00:00,
Change Date 06.10.2007 0:00:00,
Expiration Date 30.09.2008 0:00:00,
Start date 29.08.2008 0:00:00,
Change Date 04.10.2008 0:00:00,
Expiration Date 30.09.2008 0:00:00,
Start date 29.08.2008 0:00:00,
Change Date 06.12.2008 0:00:00,
Expiration Date 30.09.2008 0:00:00,
Start date 29.08.2008 0:00:00,
Change Date 04.07.2009 0:00:00,
Expiration Date 30.09.2008 0:00:00,
Start date 29.08.2008 0:00:00,
Change Date 23.11.2009 0:00:00,
Expiration Date 30.09.2008 0:00:00,
Start date 29.08.2008 0:00:00,
Change Date 26.11.2011 0:00:00,
Expiration Date 30.09.2008 0:00:00,
ZFU8, Ric, 03.07.2008 0:00:00 +00:00, 30.09.2008 0:00:00 +00:00, 6
ExtractionID: 2000000665078075
Waiting for file size...
Waiting for file size...
Waiting for file size...
Waiting for file size...
Waiting for file size...
ERROR: processing did not complete successfully !

WARNING messages:
Waiting for file size...
Waiting for file size...
Waiting for file size...
Waiting for file size...
Waiting for file size...

Press Enter to exit

Here is the code I use to access historical data

using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using DataScope.Select.Api.Extractions;
using DataScope.Select.Api.Extractions.ExtractionRequests;
using DataScope.Select.Api.Extractions.ReportExtractions;
using DataScope.Select.Api.Extractions.ReportTemplates;
using DataScope.Select.Api.Extractions.Schedules;
using DataScope.Select.Api.Extractions.SubjectLists;
using DataScope.Select.Api.Content;
using DataScope.Select.Core.RestApi;
using DataScope.Select.Api.Search;
using DataScope.Select.Api;
using System.Text;
using ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.GZip;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;

namespace RefinitivHistoryTesting

class Program
public static string getExtractionID(string note)
string pattern = @Extraction ID: ([0-9]+);
string extractionID = "";
Regex rgx = new Regex(pattern);
Match match = rgx.Match(note);
if (match.Success)
string[] words = match.Value.Split(':');
extractionID = words[1].ToString().Trim();
Console.WriteLine("ExtractionID: {0}", extractionID);
return extractionID;
static void Main(string[] args)
//Connect and authenticate to the DSS server:
Uri dssUri = new Uri("");
string dssUserName = "****";
string dssUserPassword = "****";

//var out_dir = @.\Storage\;
//var out_dir = @E:\TimeTick\;
var out_dir = @C:\Users\Manuchar\Refinitiv_history\;

var SearchContext = new SearchContext(dssUri, dssUserName, dssUserPassword);

var ExtractionsContext = new ExtractionsContext(dssUri, dssUserName, dssUserPassword);
ExtractionsContext.Options.AutomaticDecompression = false;
ExtractionsContext.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("x -direct-download", "true");
catch (Exception)
{ }

var availableMbPFields = ExtractionsContext.GetValidContentFieldTypes(ReportTemplateTypes.TickHistoryRaw);
var availableTnSFields = ExtractionsContext.GetValidContentFieldTypes(ReportTemplateTypes.TickHistoryTimeAndSales);

var dateRange = DateTimeRange.Create(
new DateTimeOffset(2000, 08, 01, 00, 00, 0, TimeSpan.Zero),
new DateTimeOffset(2026, 02, 20, 00, 00, 0, TimeSpan.Zero));

var request = new HistoricalChainResolutionRequest
ChainRics = new[] { "0#ZFU8" },
Range = dateRange

var chain_results = SearchContext.HistoricalChainResolution(request);
foreach (var chain in chain_results)
Console.WriteLine("Chain Identifier: {0} {1}, Constituents: {2}", chain.IdentifierType, chain.Identifier, chain.Constituents.Count());
foreach (var constituent in chain.Constituents)
var searchResults = SearchContext.HistoricalSearch(
constituent.Identifier, constituent.IdentifierType, dateRange, HistoricalResultsBy.Ric, null));

var result = searchResults.FirstOrDefault(pos => pos.Identifier.Equals("ZFU8"));
if (result != null)

var extractionDatesResult = ExtractionsContext.Extract(
new HistoricalReferenceExtractionRequest
ContentFieldNames = new DssCollection<string>()
"RIC", "Start date", "Change Date", "Expiration Date"

Condition = new HistoricalReferenceCondition
StartDate = result.FirstDate,
EndDate = result.LastDate

IdentifierList = new InstrumentIdentifierList
InstrumentIdentifiers = new[]
InstrumentIdentifier.Create(result.IdentifierType, result.Identifier)
ValidationOptions = new InstrumentValidationOptions
AllowHistoricalInstruments = true
UseUserPreferencesForValidationOptions = false

dynamic srcLastDate = null;
foreach (var content in extractionDatesResult)
foreach (var prop in content.DynamicProperties)
Console.WriteLine("{0}\t {1},\r", prop.Key, prop.Value);
if (srcLastDate == null && prop.Key == "Expiration Date" && prop.Value != null) srcLastDate = prop.Value;

dynamic lastDate = new DateTimeOffset(2008, 09, 30, 00, 00, 00, TimeSpan.Zero);//result.LastDate;
dynamic startDate = new DateTimeOffset(2008, 07, 03, 00, 00, 00, TimeSpan.Zero); //result.FirstDate;

Console.WriteLine("{0},\t {1},\t {2},\t {3},\t {4}", result.Identifier, result.IdentifierType, startDate, lastDate, result.DomainCode);

var extractionResult = ExtractionsContext.ExtractRaw(

new TickHistoryRawExtractionRequest
Condition = new TickHistoryRawCondition
ReportDateRangeType = ReportDateRangeType.Range,
QueryStartDate = startDate,// new DateTimeOffset(2023, 03, 21, 20, 0, 0, TimeSpan.Zero),
QueryEndDate = lastDate,// new DateTimeOffset(2023, 03, 21, 19, 59, 59, TimeSpan.Zero),
ExtractBy = TickHistoryExtractByMode.Ric,
MessageTimeStampIn = TickHistoryTimeOptions.LocalExchangeTime,
SortBy = TickHistorySort.SingleByRic,
DomainCode = TickHistoryRawDomain.MarketPrice,
DisplaySourceRIC = true
IdentifierList = new InstrumentIdentifierList
InstrumentIdentifiers = new[]
InstrumentIdentifier.Create(result.IdentifierType, result.Identifier)

ValidationOptions = new InstrumentValidationOptions
AllowHistoricalInstruments = true
UseUserPreferencesForValidationOptions = false

string extractionID = getExtractionID(extractionResult.Notes[0]);
ReportExtraction resultsize = null;
long fileSize = 0;

Boolean success = false;
string errorMsgs = "";
string warningMsgs = "";
string permissionMsgs = "";

int attempts = 0;

while ((resultsize == null || resultsize.FullFile == null) && attempts < 5)
resultsize = ExtractionsContext.ReportExtractionOperations.Get(extractionID);
ExtractionsContext.LoadProperty(resultsize, "FullFile");
if (resultsize.FullFile != null)
fileSize = resultsize.FullFile.Size;
Console.WriteLine("File Size: {0}", fileSize);
success = true;
Console.WriteLine("Waiting for file size...");
warningMsgs += "Waiting for file size...\n";
catch (NullReferenceException ex)

Console.WriteLine("FullFile is not yet available, continuing to wait...");
errorMsgs += "FullFile is not yet available, continuing to wait...\n";
errorMsgs += "Exception message: " + ex.Message + "\n";
catch (Exception ex)

Console.WriteLine("An error occurred: " + ex.Message);
errorMsgs += "An error occurred: " + ex.Message + "\n";


if (!success)
Console.WriteLine("ERROR: processing did not complete successfully !\n" + errorMsgs);
if (warningMsgs != "")
Console.WriteLine("WARNING messages:\n" + warningMsgs);
if (permissionMsgs != "")
Console.WriteLine("PERMISSION ISSUES messages:\n" + permissionMsgs);

var fileName = out_dir + "_" + result.Identifier + "_" + startDate.DateTime.ToString("dd.MM.yyyy") + "_" + lastDate.DateTime.ToString("dd.MM.yyyy") + "_RawMarketPrice.gzip";
using (var response = ExtractionsContext.RawExtractionResultOperations.GetReadStream(extractionResult))
using (var fileStream = File.Create(fileName))
catch (Exception)
{ }
Console.WriteLine("Press Enter to exit");

Can anyone help me with the problem without sending me to the A documentation?

I've read everything and tried different options.

I have a problem with the following files

startDate = new DateTimeOffset(2008, 07, 03, 00, 00, 00, TimeSpan.Zero)
lastDate = new DateTimeOffset(2008, 09, 30, 00, 00, 00, TimeSpan.Zero)

startDate = new DateTimeOffset(2008, 08, 16, 00, 00, 00, TimeSpan.Zero)
lastDate = new DateTimeOffset(2008, 12, 31, 00, 00, 00, TimeSpan.Zero)

startDate = new DateTimeOffset(2009, 05, 23, 00, 00, 00, TimeSpan.Zero)
lastDate = new DateTimeOffset(2009, 09, 30, 00, 00, 00, TimeSpan.Zero)

startDate = new DateTimeOffset(2011, 05, 21, 00, 00, 00, TimeSpan.Zero)
lastDate = new DateTimeOffset(2011, 09, 30, 00, 00, 00, TimeSpan.Zero)

startDate = new DateTimeOffset(2012, 02, 18, 00, 00, 00, TimeSpan.Zero)
lastDate = new DateTimeOffset(2012, 06, 29, 00, 00, 00, TimeSpan.Zero)

startDate = new DateTimeOffset(2013, 05, 18, 00, 00, 00, TimeSpan.Zero)
lastDate = new DateTimeOffset(2013, 09, 30, 00, 00, 00, TimeSpan.Zero) 

Who can, please give some good code advice.

What could be the problem

I know for sure that the code is 100% functional

With this code I have downloaded all chainRIC: ZF except those with error:

ERROR: processing did not complete successfully !

Best Answer

  • Jirapongse
    Answer ✓


    Thank you reaching out to us.

    I can run the code properly.


    According to the code, the FullFile is not available. You need to check the extraction notes and report's status.

            public static string getExtractionID(string note)
                Console.WriteLine("### Notes ###\n" + note );
                string pattern = @Extraction ID: ([0-9]+);
                string extractionID = "";
                Regex rgx = new Regex(pattern);
                Match match = rgx.Match(note);
                if (match.Success)
                    string[] words = match.Value.Split(':');
                    extractionID = words[1].ToString().Trim();
                    Console.WriteLine("ExtractionID: {0}", extractionID);
                return extractionID;
    while ((resultsize == null || resultsize.FullFile == null) && attempts < 5)
                                    resultsize = ExtractionsContext.ReportExtractionOperations.Get(extractionID);
                                    Console.WriteLine("Status: "+resultsize.Status);
                                    Console.WriteLine("Detalied Status: "+resultsize.DetailedStatus);
                                    ExtractionsContext.LoadProperty(resultsize, "FullFile");
                                    if (resultsize.FullFile != null)
                                        fileSize = resultsize.FullFile.Size;
                                        Console.WriteLine("File Size: {0}", fileSize);
                                        success = true;


  • Thank you.

    Here's what I got:

    ExtractionID: 2000000665353495
    Status: Completed
    Detailed Status: Done
    FullFile is not yet available, continuing to wait...
    Status: Completed
    Detailed Status: Done
    FullFile is not yet available, continuing to wait...
    Status: Completed
    Detailed Status: Done
    FullFile is not yet available, continuing to wait...
    Status: Completed
    Detailed Status: Done
    FullFile is not yet available, continuing to wait...
    Status: Completed
    Detailed Status: Done
    FullFile is not yet available, continuing to wait...
    ERROR: processing did not complete successfully !

    Press Enter to exit

    Can you tell me what else I can modify in the code to download the necessary RICs?

    P.S. Was writing a comment, but it got caught in moderation. I'll repeat it here.

  • Please share the extraction note.

     public static string getExtractionID(string note)
                Console.WriteLine("### Notes ###\n" + note );
                string pattern = @Extraction ID: ([0-9]+);
                string extractionID = "";
                Regex rgx = new Regex(pattern);
                Match match = rgx.Match(note);
                if (match.Success)
                    string[] words = match.Value.Split(':');
                    extractionID = words[1].ToString().Trim();
                    Console.WriteLine("ExtractionID: {0}", extractionID);
                return extractionID;
  • Chain Identifier: ChainRIC 0#ZF:, Constituents: 53
    Start date 29.08.2008 0:00:00,
    Change Date 26.11.2011 0:00:00,
    Expiration Date 30.09.2008 0:00:00,
    ZFU8, Ric, 03.07.2008 0:00:00 +00:00, 30.09.2008 0:00:00 +00:00, 6
    ### Notes ###
    Extraction Services Version (972294413835), Built Oct 25 2023 19:05:27
    User ID: 9034323
    Extraction ID: 2000000665387197
    Correlation ID: CiD/9034323/0x0000000000000000/RESTAPI-I/EXT.2000000665387197
    Schedule: 0x08c46b418b396db4 (ID = 0x0000000000000000)
    Input List (1 items): (ID = 0x08c46b418b396db4) Created: 01/05/2024 07:05:59 Last Modified: 01/05/2024 07:05:59
    Report Template: _OnD_0x08c46b418b396db4 (ID = 0x08c46b418b496db4) Created: 01/05/2024 07:03:24 Last Modified: 01/05/2024 07:03:24
    Schedule dispatched via message queue (0x08c46b418b396db4), Data source identifier (CB206CFAEABC47BD868EB681D8CD60F5)
    Schedule Time: 01/05/2024 07:03:25
    Processing started at 01/05/2024 07:03:25
    Processing completed successfully at 01/05/2024 07:06:00
    Extraction finished at 01/05/2024 07:06:00 UTC, with servers: tmc28nu8xn03, TRTH (149.979 secs)
    Historical Instrument <RIC,ZFU8> expanded to 1 RIC: ZFU8.
    Total instruments after instrument expansion = 1

  • Quota Message: INFO: Tick History Cash Quota Count Before Extraction: 0; Instruments Approved for Extraction: 0; Tick History Cash Quota Count After Extraction: 0, 100% of Limit; Tick History Cash Quota Limit: 0
    Quota Message: ERROR: The RIC 'ZFU8' in the request would exceed your quota limits. Adjust your input list to continue.
    Quota Message: WARNING: Tick History Cash Quota has been reached or exceeded

    ExtractionID: 2000000665387197
    Status: Completed
    Detailed Status: Done
    FullFile is not yet available, continuing to wait...
    Status: Completed
    Detailed Status: Done
    FullFile is not yet available, continuing to wait...
    Status: Completed
    Detailed Status: Done
    FullFile is not yet available, continuing to wait...
    Status: Completed
    Detailed Status: Done
    FullFile is not yet available, continuing to wait...
    Status: Completed
    Detailed Status: Done
    FullFile is not yet available, continuing to wait...
    ERROR: processing did not complete successfully !

    Press Enter to exit

    Got a response from the server.

    What are some ideas?

  • ZF is within my quota limit.

    I downloaded the other ZF contracts


  • Thank you.

    Here's what I got:

    Chain Identifier: ChainRIC 0#ZF:, Constituents: 53
    RIC 1FVU8^0,
    Start date 29.08.2008 0:00:00,
    Change Date 31.05.2014 0:00:00,
    Expiration Date 30.09.2008 0:00:00,
    RIC 1FVU8^0,
    Start date 29.08.2008 0:00:00,
    Change Date 01.10.2016 0:00:00,
    Expiration Date 30.09.2008 0:00:00,
    RIC 1FVU8^0,
    Start date 29.08.2008 0:00:00,
    Change Date 31.08.2017 0:00:00,
    Expiration Date 30.09.2008 0:00:00,
    RIC ZFU8,
    Start date ,
    Change Date 02.07.2006 0:00:00,
    Expiration Date 19.09.2008 0:00:00,
    RIC ZFU8,
    Start date ,
    Change Date 06.07.2006 0:00:00,
    Expiration Date 19.09.2008 0:00:00,
    RIC ZFU8,
    Start date 29.08.2008 0:00:00,
    Change Date 02.06.2007 0:00:00,
    Expiration Date 19.09.2008 0:00:00,
    RIC ZFU8,
    Start date ,
    Change Date 15.06.2007 0:00:00,
    Expiration Date ,
    RIC ZFU8,
    Start date ,
    Change Date 01.07.2007 0:00:00,
    Expiration Date 30.09.2008 0:00:00,
    RIC ZFU8,
    Start date ,
    Change Date 07.07.2007 0:00:00,
    Expiration Date 30.09.2008 0:00:00,
    RIC ZFU8,
    Start date ,
    Change Date 26.07.2007 0:00:00,
    Expiration Date 30.09.2008 0:00:00,
    RIC ZFU8,
    Start date ,
    Change Date 04.08.2007 0:00:00,
    Expiration Date 30.09.2008 0:00:00,
    RIC ZFU8,
    Start date ,
    Change Date 17.08.2007 0:00:00,
    Expiration Date 30.09.2008 0:00:00,
    RIC ZFU8,
    Start date 29.08.2008 0:00:00,
    Change Date 24.08.2007 0:00:00,
    Expiration Date 30.09.2008 0:00:00,
    RIC ZFU8,
    Start date 29.08.2008 0:00:00,
    Change Date 06.10.2007 0:00:00,
    Expiration Date 30.09.2008 0:00:00,
    RIC ZFU8^0,
    Start date 29.08.2008 0:00:00,
    Change Date 04.10.2008 0:00:00,
    Expiration Date 30.09.2008 0:00:00,
    RIC ZFU8^0,
    Start date 29.08.2008 0:00:00,
    Change Date 06.12.2008 0:00:00,
    Expiration Date 30.09.2008 0:00:00,
    RIC ZFU8^0,
    Start date 29.08.2008 0:00:00,
    Change Date 04.07.2009 0:00:00,
    Expiration Date 30.09.2008 0:00:00,
    RIC ZFU8^0,
    Start date 29.08.2008 0:00:00,
    Change Date 23.11.2009 0:00:00,
    Expiration Date 30.09.2008 0:00:00,
    RIC ZFU8^0,
    Start date 29.08.2008 0:00:00,
    Change Date 26.11.2011 0:00:00,
    Expiration Date 30.09.2008 0:00:00,
    ZFU8, Ric, 03.07.2008 0:00:00 +00:00, 30.09.2008 0:00:00 +00:00, 6
    ExtractionID: 2000000665353495
    Status: Completed
    Detailed Status: Done
    FullFile is not yet available, continuing to wait...
    Status: Completed
    Detailed Status: Done
    FullFile is not yet available, continuing to wait...
    Status: Completed
    Detailed Status: Done
    FullFile is not yet available, continuing to wait...
    Status: Completed
    Detailed Status: Done
    FullFile is not yet available, continuing to wait...
    Status: Completed
    Detailed Status: Done
    FullFile is not yet available, continuing to wait...
    ERROR: processing did not complete successfully !

    Press Enter to exit

    Can you tell me what else I can modify in the code to download the necessary RICs?

  • @manuchar_chagiashvili

    In the note, you should have this line.


    According to note, the file wasn't created due to the Quota Limit.

  • According to note, the file wasn't created due to the Quota Limit.

  • Jirapongse, thanks!!!

    I don't see a button to close the question, since I got the answer and it's clear to me what to do.

    Please close the question as answered.