EMA Java client errored to connect using Elektron Connect

Hi, on Sunday night Japan local time my client experienced errors connecting to our real-time using below execution code to see those error logs.

It became working on Monday morning without doing any trouble-shooting so wondered if there any maintenance work on weekend.

As I checked on MyAccount it seemed there was no maintenance announcement made in the given time range (Sunday night, GMT+9) but wanted to clarify if anybody don't see any issue on the code before I get back to the client to see other possible issue on their system.

Thanks a lot for the checking in advance.

=== Code ===
CsvCreatorAppClient csvCreatorAppClient = new
CsvCreatorAppClient(consumer, marketTerm, csvWriter);

OmmConsumerConfig config =

consumer = EmaFactory.createOmmConsumer(config.host(


=== Error Messages ===

info: loggerMsg

ClientName: EmaConfig

Severity: Info

Text: reading configuration file
[EmaConfig.xml] from [D:\dev\ReutersApiDataGet\Elektron\EmaSample]


[Sun 2 05 17:59:13 JST 2017]

Important: loggerMsg

ClientName: EmaConfig

Severity: Error

Text: Cannot locate configuration
source EmaConfig.xml


[Sun 2 05 17:59:13 JST 2017]

Warning: loggerMsg

ClientName: ChannelCallbackClient

Severity: Warning

Text: Received
ChannelDownReconnecting event on channel Channel

RsslReactor Channel is null

Error Id 0

Internal sysError 0

Error Location Reactor.processWorkerEvent

Error text Error - exceeded initialization timeout
(5 s)


[Sun 2 05 17:59:18 JST 2017]

Warning: loggerMsg

ClientName: ChannelCallbackClient

Severity: Warning

Text: Received
ChannelDownReconnecting event on channel Channel

RsslReactor Channel is null

Error Id 0

Internal sysError 0

Error Location Reactor.processWorkerEvent

Error text Error - exceeded initialization timeout
(5 s)


[Sun 2 05 17:59:24 JST 2017]

Warning: loggerMsg

ClientName: ChannelCallbackClient

Severity: Warning

Text: Received
ChannelDownReconnecting event on channel Channel

RsslReactor Channel is null

Error Id 0

Internal sysError 0

Error Location Reactor.processWorkerEvent

Error text Error - exceeded initialization timeout
(5 s)


[Sun 2 05 17:59:31 JST 2017]

Best Answer

  • wasin.w
    wasin.w admin
    Answer ✓


    The log message means the API cannot establish a connection with the EZD server.

    The easiest way is to restart the EZD server when the problem occurs, the API will recover the connection and subscriptions for the application. In order to verify the issue in the EZD level, I suggest you contact the EZD support team who specialize in EZD to verify the client's EZD.

    You can contact them on the client behalf via the https://my.thomsonreuters.com/ContactUsNew link and choose Product "Thomson Reuters Elektron Connect" as the picture below.



  • Hi @naoto.tatemichi

    The consumer code is connecting to "localhost:14002" which means the consumer application and the provider are in the same machine. If so, what is the provider that the application is connecting to? (client's OMM Provider or the EZD). Do you have the provider log file when the problem occured?

  • Hi Wasin, the client is running EZD on the same machine as the API.
    So could it be EZD process issue?

  • Additionally confirmed that there was no ISP issue on that day and the customer was running EZD on the same server hardware of their API.
    They'd like to know what those log output meant to be, and how should do if it happens again, such as resetting EZD process or rebooting server hardware.
    Can anybody advise?

  • Thanks Wasin. I will let the customer know to hear their feedback on this answer.