Java Websocket Login returns error: unknown to system

I get following error response when I send Login message to the Socket API:

[{"ID":1,"Type":"Status","Domain":"Login","Key":{"Name":"AQIC5wM2LY4SfcwwnmjDW%2BXLOJdkLJ2ruPYsj2Yb29Kd8lE%3D%40AAJTSQACMjAAAlNLABQtODIyNzAwMDA0NzY2MjI5MTk2MwACUzEAAjMz%23"},"State":{"Stream":"Closed","Data":"Suspect","Code":"Error","Text":"GE-15175, unknown to system."}}]

We might need an additional verification for our machine accounts (

Best Answer

  • wasin.w
    wasin.w admin
    Answer ✓

    Hello @a.karasev

    The RTO WebSocket server (ADS) needs the access token from the Data Platform (RDP) Authentication service in the JSON login message for the authentication process. I am assuming that the application received the access token from RDP APIs and sent that access token to the WebSocket server with a WebSocket JSON login message.

    However, the Login status response message "Text":"GE-XXXXXX, unknown to system." indicates that the WebSocket server does not recognize that GE-XXXXXX client_id. This message is generated from the RTO side, so I strongly suggest you contact the RTO support team directly to verify this issue on the server side. You can submit a support ticket to the RTO support team via website.
