World Check - distinguishing "false" cases

Cases that appear as "false" in World-Check GUI, I want to identify them in the response of


In other words: how to know that cases in the response of above endpoint will appear as "False" in the GUI?

I will appreciate any help regarding that.

Best Answer


  • Hi @michal.gil,

    Thank you for reaching out to us!

    In response for your above query if you are trying to screen any entity using end point. -> {{protocol}}{{gateway-host}}{{gateway-url}}cases/screeningRequest and using some secondary identifiers like in below screenshot I have used Gender as Female during screening whatever matches we will get it will auto resolve as False if we gets Gender value other than Female for those record.


    This above view is from WC GUI but if you want to check in API responses you can use endpoint - {{protocol}}{{gateway-host}}{{gateway-url}}groups/{{group-id}}/resolutionToolkit in this endpoint responses all different status id's are given so for false you can see in below screenshot.

    So while going through response for endpoint - cases/screeningRequest you can check in resolution array status id will be there for False.

    Hope this will clarify your doubt.

  • Thanks @Pandey Vivek,

    Yes, with this I should be able to check what I wanted to check.