ADS service name


We had an incident with a client recently about an ADS service name.

And we have now a question : what are all possible values for a service name ?
Is there some special characters allowed ?

Basically what is the technical type that is used to store the service name ?


Best Answer

  • wasin.w
    wasin.w admin
    Answer ✓

    Hello @hgardon

    Could you please let me know what incident and the service name that encounter the problem is?

    I checked the ETA RDM Usage guide, it said only the name must be ASCII String as follows:


    Then I did a quick test with the ADS's appServiceName configuration to test various combinations.

    ! *ads*"${route}".route*"${svc}"*appServiceName : ${svc}
    !    appServiceName: <service>
    !    The appServiceName parameter specifies the service name as published
    !    by the upstream component at the host site.  For example, take the
    !    following setting:
    !    *ads*hostrssl.route*CASCADE_SIAC*appServiceName : DF_SIAC
    !    Here, CASCADE_SIAC will be the name advertised to all connected sink
    !    applications. The name CASCADE_SIAC will need to be specified in the
    !    serviceList and all service specific configuration will use the
    !    CASCADE_SIAC name.
    !    The name "DF_SIAC" is the name published by the upstream component. In
    !    most cases,  this is the realname of the service whereas CASCADE_SIAC
    !    is the alias. When using appServiceName, the real service name will not
    !    be referenced in the config except as the value of the appServiceName
    !    parameter setting.
    !    Default value: <empty>

    The test results are as follows:

    • *ads*cloud.route*#_DD*appServiceName : ELEKTRON_DD --> service name #_DD works fine, and the API (EMA) can connect and consume data.
    • *ads*cloud.route*testService*appServiceName : ELEKTRON_DD --> service name testService works fine and the API (EMA) can connect and consume data.
    • *ads*cloud.route*1_service*appServiceName : ELEKTRON_DD --> service name 1_service works fine, and the API (EMA) can connect and consume data.
    • *ads*cloud.route**_DD*appServiceName : ELEKTRON_DD --> service name *_DD does not work, the adsmon tool does not show this service.


    Please see more answer in the comment.


  • (Continue).

    Since the RTDS is the one that control the service name. I checked the ADS document. I cannot find any information about the Service Name's possible values and special characters.

    I strongly suggest you contact the RTDS team directly via website to help you with this RTDS question.
