Convert RefreshMsg(C++) to rsslRefreshMsg for encode then decode back

Hi I want to save RefreshMsg to file and later replay it, for chinese charactor, decode back with garbled charactor, can some one help figure out?1716864134490.jpeg

Here is the code:


Best Answer

  • Jirapongse
    Answer ✓


    Thank you for reaching out to us.

    The problem is the code directly encodes and decodes UTF8 as RMTES.

    To encode UTF8 to RMTES, a UTF8 string must be prepended with the following three bytes escape sequence: 0x1B, 0x25, and 0x30, as mentioned in the Encoding and Decoding non-ASCII text using EMA and RFA C++/.NET article.

    The sample code looks like this:

        rsslFEntry.fieldId = 1352;
        rsslFEntry.dataType = RSSL_DT_RMTES_STRING;    

        const char utf8_prefix[] = { 0x1B,0x25,0x30, 0 };
        const char* value = "24附息國債07";
        char* rmtes_value = (char*)malloc(strlen(utf8_prefix) + strlen(value));
        strcpy(rmtes_value, utf8_prefix);
        strcat(rmtes_value, value);
        RsslBuffer vbuf = { 0 }; = rmtes_value;
        vbuf.length = strlen(rmtes_value);
