No media check results after updating name

Hi, we are using WC1 API.

Here is our issue.

I have created an organization case with name 'GOOGLE' with provider as media_check

Screened the case

Now, retrieved the media results and marked all of them as reviewed

After that, I realised name should be modified to - 'AMAZON'

SO Used update API along with screening API to update the name for the same case

Now. Retrieved the media results - here no results were seen.

In the audi I could see noofnewresults is updayed but not noofresultstobereviewed value as it is still showing as zero. Shouldn't this be updated as well?

Can someone please let us know what is going on here?

Best Answer

  • Stefano.LSEG
    Answer ✓


    The product team has clarified that the logic around MC.

    The update function is not designed to completely change the name of the case but to make a small modification to the name e.g. Adding Inc.

    Once the reviewed command is run the case meta data is updated to show that all articles published up until x date are reviewed. Therefore, all articles published before the date the reviewed command was run will be marked as resolved.

    When you update and re-screen that case, articles with the new name will still appear in the API and WebUI but will be marked as resolved.

    For articles to show up as unresolved they need to be published the day after the reviewed command was run.

    As mentioned, the update function is not designed to completely change the focus of a case but to only make minor changes.

    We would be happy to assist with a way to utilise this feature more optimally in order to more effectively implement your use case. Please contact us directly if you would like to set up a consultation.
