Batch entity profile requests / Associate names inside a profile


A profile requested by its ID, i.e. by a request to

GET /reference/profile/{id} 

contains a list of associates. However, each doesn't contain human readable information the name of the associate. Is there a way to either

  • Include more information for this entity, specifically the name
  • Make a batch request for profiles, so we can see the names for each of the associates without making a separate request for each of them

(Actually the batch request for profiles may be quite handy for other use cases as well)


Best Answer

  • Hi @edo,

    Thanks for posting...yes you are correct the associates are WC1 profile ids. One would collect and process the associate profiles, if one were interested in the associate prodiles in addition to the entity information itself.

    I've entered your request into our issue/feature tracking system.

    Hope this helps,



  • Hi,

    has this been added to any of the API calls ? i.e. getting the name of the associate as well as the EntityID ?

    It would make sense to have the name in human readable format, as we can then show this on the screen & when a user clicks on this - we can retrieve the actual profile (using the EntityID)

