Document entity/analyze/search doesn't return organizations connected to the news

For our news functionality we need to determine which companies are connected to the news article.

Our steps:

- We find news for the last 2 hours or some period via entity/search API

- For each news we take news' subjectUri' and make a request to entity/analyze/search API to get all organizations connected to the news

Problems: Now it doesn't work (at least for the news over the last couple of weeks) and we get an empty list of linked entities. We use DDS

Another solution: In response from entity/search API we have "Company_attr" field for documents, but this field contains only the names of mentioned organizations (I suppose these names are a result of TRIT??) so we need to make another request for each name to get the organization's subjectUri to store it in our database.

But it would be better to use entity/analyze/search to get it cause it is the only one request for each news and it's going to be faster than several request for each company name. Actually it works for older news, I have some examples

Best Answer

  • Known issue caused by misalignment in Graph Feed and TRIT data models. Following up on email.
