what's tag means and how to get one for msbuild XML file?

Anyone know what's tag means and how to get one? I'm trying to added a new DEMO environment to msbuild's XML build file below: Westlaw Business Currents Editorial legalcurrentseditorial 79013302-01A3-4163-832B-C69D188D2BED Westlaw Business Currents Editorial - QA legalcurrentseditorialqa B7E09354-7847-4E6C-8E61-13ED58DA2655 Westlaw Business Currents Editorial - DEMO legalcurrentseditorialdemo ?????? Westlaw Business Currents Editorial - DEV legalcurrentseditorialdev 1E4EABC6-044B-4B88-ADD7-86C245FF379A

Best Answer

  • Think of the contents of the <PropertyGroup> as user defined variables. So <UpgradeCode> is the name of the variable and it value is the contents inside the tag. From an MSBuild perspective there no other significance as such. It is up to the various Targets and Tasks inside those Targets to make use of and interpret that msbuild PropertyGroup item (UpgradeCode). Specifically though, usually UpgradeCode is related to some sort of MSI installer packaging task. I am not sure what is being used in this case. Perhaps investigating more on those lines would help you. For more information on PropertyGroup -
    msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/t4w159bs.aspx UpgradeCode -


  • Upgrade Code uniquely identifies a particular application. Whenever any application is installed, Windows checks if the UpgradeCode exists in the Registry and will determine whether it is a new application or existing application. All versions of the applications should contain the same upgrade code in order to be considered for upgrades.