Does Cobalt automatically include jQuery UI widgets?

We are looking to use the jQuery DatePicker widget and are wondering if Cobalt already includes any/all jQuery widgets for us?

Best Answer

  • Website manages the jQueryPackage file. In there we have a custom jQuery UI package that only includes the modules currently in use, which are: * All of Core * Draggable * Droppable * Sortable * Accordian * Autocomplete * Progressbar To have a module added, I would recommend contacting James Greene (Cobalt Static Content). We previously identified a memory leak with jQuery 1.6.2 + jQuery UI Datepicker specifically, but that may have been cleared up in the latest version of jQuery.


  • Thanks Josh. As a side question, how does Cobalt include the jquery ui package (I did a search for it in files, but couldn't find any hits)?
  • We're currently on jQuery 1.6.2 so the file Website is including is jQueryPackage162.js (the number obviously going up as we upgrade). In addition to normal jQuery, jQuery UI is also in this file. So anywhere you can use jQuery you can use UI as well. Full path: D:\data\StaticContent\StaticContent\site\js\v1\External\jQuery\jQueryPackage162.js