stream stat and data state are not present in WebSocket API Refresh Message.

When making a request with WebSocket API, I see no stream or data state indication in the Refresh response message.


"QOS" : {

"Rate" : "TickByTick",
"Dynamic" : true,
"Timeliness" : "Realtime"
"Type" : "Refresh",
"Id" : 3,
"Fields" : {

"BID" : 0.01,
"BIDSIZE" : 1,
"ASK" : 9000
"Key" : {

"ServiceId" : 257,
"Name" : "TRI.N"

Best Answer

  • jim.carroll
    Answer ✓

    The doc is not clear on this, but if the Refresh does not include a State, it can be assumed that the StreamState is "Open" and the DataState is "Ok".