Cannot find code within Data Item Browser when using the Eikon Scripting Proxy

The Data Item Browser within the Eikon Scripting Proxy contains thousands of codes available to the developer. The tool provides a nice filtering mechanism and search capability. However, the searching doesn't always appear to work. For example, a code by the name of TR.DivAdjustedGross exists, yet does not turn up when using logical search terms. While I was able to explicitly search using the actual function name, users would normally use search terms, not the actual function name.

While this is one example, I'm sure given the volume of available codes, there could be many others. While it is possible the search terms I was using were not appropriate, I tried all the logical ones such as "Dividend", "Adjusted", "Gross", and combination, etc without success.

Because the search criteria OR's the search terms within the expression, this made things even more difficult. So I'm left with using a single term to search in hopes something pops up. Would be nice to find functions like I can within Excel. For example within the Screener, I simply typed in "Adjusted G" and up popped my answer, within seconds.