How to avoid the user to click twice to download a document ?

In WLGulf and other WL products, when you try to download a document in IE 7 & 8, you got a message ![alt text][1] that inform you, that IE is protecting you from the site, that is trying to download a file. Once you accept it, the page reloads and you have to click again in the download button, to download the file. But in WL UK, it download the file directly. Is there anyone who can help us with this? Thanks [1]:


  • Do you have example links? I think that might be due to the file extensions used.
  • It happens with PDF or RTF files. But, with same extensions in WL UK, it doesn't happen. I think that maybe some js script, but I don't know.
  • Is the content that you are downloading coming from the same subdomain as the webpage code? Are you using HTTPS in one area but not another? Or for that matter, is WL UK using HTTPS while the development version of your app is not?
  • Are you sure this warning hasn't been accepted previously for WLUK and your browser is recognising that it's a "validated" site to download from?
  • It would help if you provide 'steps to reproduce' for both WL GULF and WLUK. Give us URLs, logon credentials etc. Do we need to flush everything from our browser cache? Does Javascript need to be disabled (you mentioned 'alt text'). > Is there anyone who can help us with this? God helps those who help themselves :-)
  • Yes, because every time you try to download a file in WL UK, you got that popup.
  • We are facing the same problem in Insignis application. We thought that maybe it is related with the security configuration of the browser, but as you said with WLUK application and with the same browser configuration we don't see the blocking message. Unfortunately we don't have any clue of what is happening with our app.
  • Hector, we found a "Tweak" for this issue. We are redirecting to the "Delivery page" instead of a direct download. But we couldn't find the real solution. Regarding WLUK, they use pre-rendered pdf, that's why they don't have that issue.
  • Can someone provide **steps to reproduce** the issue?
  • We have this issue only in prod (neither in dev, nor qc nor client environments). If you're interested, please send me an email and I will provide you the information for Insignis prod.