Pending approval

Since about a month I am trying to download the Eikon API Proxy Beta for Windows, but I am under a constant "pending approval" notice.

After uncountable calls to several TR's support departments/agents, they realised they do not know who is actually in charge of the approval. Ultimately, the Eikon Trading Advanced Support Executive addressed me here.

Specifically, it is unclear to them, and to me, what this "approval" process is. Am I just in queue for the incoming release or is there a separate approval process? In the former case, is there a schedule of the next release? (Weeks or months?)

I need the download quite soon, as I am in a planning phase right now and would like to assess if the proxy tool fits to my use case.

Best Answer


  • @iain.scott


    Eikon Scripting APIs is limited access because it is in the beta program. For more information, please refer to this question. I have contacted the product manager to verify your request.

  • No solution yet, still "pending approval"....

  • jirapongse.phuriphanvichai

    The linked answers says it is a beta program, not much of a surprise for something names Eikon API Proxy Beta. The problem is how the approval procedure works and why it takes so long.


    @Alex Putkov.

    If you mean there is another link, please post it, as I am still under pending approval.

  • @jirapongse.phuriphanvichai


    @Alex Putkov

    Nipat Kunvutipongsak


    I confirm that I am under pending approval for the requested download. But I realised there is an extra link now with a new download, available for Windows only, which I am authorised to download. The "pending approval" tricked me and it should be definitely replaced with "superseded by new version", since there is no approval in process any more.

    I am new here, where is the accept link/button, please?