Adding a limitation of maximum download documents number for the account

I got a question from WLCN product team about adding a limitation of maximum download documents number for the account. I don’t think there is any existing function on MAF which supports this function but I want to confirm with you in case there are some functions I don’t know. ? Here is the RQMT: Is it possible to add a limitation to the maximum delivery(download) documents number for an account.---For one account, the download documents(different documents) can’t be more than the maximum number specified. If it’s doable, is it feasible to set up different maximum download numbers according to the account type(IP, password, trial)?


  • As per email... The only limits the MAF app can impose are on a per download basis. What you are asking for would require a change to the Prism Delivery engine which is used by the app and by the Alerts engine.