Oracle FileConverter question - convert email attachments

I just thought I'd ping this forum to see if anyone had any experience converting .eml and .msg attachments to a root/parent email with Oracle (Stellent) FileConverter. We (Cobalt DataRoom Team 2) are able to convert the parent/root email just fine, but aren't able to tell the converter process to process the attachments and add them to the converted output file. Neither the code nor its documentation have led us to a solution, so if you have any experience or suggestions, we'd deeply appreciate any help you can offer. Dave Penn


  • I can't answer this question specifically, but I can tell you I've had huge problems trying to get the Stellent viewer in Case Notebook to display RTF correctly (even though the same RTF displayed perfectly well in Word). In the end, I had to use some classes Sean Sandquist wrote to manipulate the RTF. In my experience, Stellent adheres to no standards, and is really not very good at all. You may find you need to convert your .eml and .msg attachments in some way before Stellent will we able to handle them. Sorry I can't be more helpful!
  • Thanks for the response, Kate. After looking at the source code for the HTML Extract piece of Outside In, I wholeheartedly concur that it's full of fragility and tight coupling and just a horrid piece of software overall. I expected to see some recursive function to traverse the nested document structure, but there was nothing of the sort to be found; evidently the Stellent developers never got a handle on recursion. We solved the problem by separating the nested documents in Java and calling Outside In with each document.