Mobile Website Debugging -- Tools, tips, tricks?

There is some curiosity around mobile web debugging tools (much like firebug/chrome developer tools) and which ones are used internally (if any) and which ones people may have used external to their work projects. I've briefly looked at tools such as Adobe Shadow and Weinre (pronounced Winery) Has anyone tried/used these tools? Are there any other ones that we are currently using or looking into using?

Best Answer

  • mark.maruska
    Answer ✓
    [community answer, please add to this answer if you can] I've had good success debugging mobile websites by using my desktop browser with a plugin to switch up the user-agent string to be various mobile devices. This doesn't work for all scenarios, but for most mobile website things it seemed to work well. I've had limited success with simulators... usually at the fault of the simulator program; but that was a while back, so maybe the mobile simulators are better now? :)


  • Are there specific debugging scenarios that you're looking for an answer to?
  • Not necessarily anything specific -- The things that we were looking into would be something almost firebug or chrome developer tool like (examining markup, css, javascript, and stepping through execution on the device). Other tools we would be interested in would be anything that would streamline the testing process ie. being able to test on multiple devices simultaneously.
  • I'm going to mark this as the answer with the hope that people will continue to edit the answer as we continue to explore in this area.