How to use single session supporting multiple users for remote authentication in SSL RFA Java Subscr

My application works as a proxy for different users which are connecting to it to get data from TREP(ADS/ADH). I would like to use Remote authentication that entitlements are done in TREP site. I have found in RFA Java Developer Guide that

-“For remote environments, the application must supply the Tokenized Principal Identity when creating the Session. This is because remote environments authenticate the user upon the initial connection.”

- "An application may supply the Tokenized Principal Identity either when creating the Session or when configuring “userName” in SSL configuration.”

This seems that my application needs to have multiple sessions for multiple users. Is it true? If not, how to implement SSL subscriber application to have single session supporting multiple users for Remote authentication?

Best Answer

  • Hello @Akechi Sato

    Tokenized Principal Identity used for remote authentication (TREP works with
    DACS Infrastructure) is bind in Session level using Session.acquire(Sting,
    TokenizedPrincipalIdentity). There is no any creating Event source method that accepts TokenizedPrincipalIdentity. Only StandardPrincipalIdentity for local authentication(RFA works
    with DACS Infrastructure) is accepted and this allows the application can have
    single session. Normally, StandardPrincipalIdentity is used when the application connects to RTIC which is
    end of life and we do not support RFA connecting to it. Hence, this is impossible that the application will
    have single Session for multiple users with Remote authentication.

    are 2 possible workarounds that I suggest:

    1. Implement the application to have multiple Sessions with Remote
      authentication to serve multiple users. Hence, the permission/entitlement
      checks are still on TREP side.
    2. Integrate the application with Open DACS API which is embedded
      in rfa.jar. By using Open DACS API, the
      application can work with DACS Infrastructure likewise TREP does. The
      application will have single Session but the permission/entitlement checks are
      on the application side. Open DACS API verify if the validated user is entitled
      to receive the requested item from the specified service. It performs
      permission/entitlement check against the DACS Lock retrieved from a
      Refresh/Permission Data message of the item for which the OMM/MarketData
      application subscribes. If the user is allowed to access the requested item,
      the data should be forwarded to the user. For more details and example
      application, please refer to Tutorial 5 -
      Integrating DacsClient with StarterConsumer

    The example in the Tutorial 5 does not use MarketData
    interface(Legacy interface) that your application use; it uses OMM interface.If you would not like to migrate to OMM interface, you can
    modify your application based on the Tutorial. However, some steps must be
    changed for MarketData interface as listed below:

    • Step 2.1: Performing Login to DACS Infrastructure after login to
      ADS successfully
      . When MarketData
      application logins to ADS successfully, it will get ConnectionEvent with UP state. Hence, the source code of this step should be
      executed when the application receives ConnectionEvent with UP state as the example shown below:
    protected void processConnectionEvent(ConnectionEvent connectionEvent){ 
    if(connectionEvent.getConnectionStatus().getState() == ConnectionStatus.UP) {
    //highlight source code in step 2.1
    • Step 4: Getting the DACS Lock
      from a Refresh of the item.
      Lock in SSL connection used by MarketData interface is not in a Refresh but it
      is in a Permission Data message. Hence, the application has to check if it receives
      Permission Data then get the DACS Lock in data. The example source code
    protected void processMarketDataItemEvent(MarketDataItemEvent marketDataItemEvent)
    else if (marketDataItemEvent.getMarketDataMsgType() == MarketDataItemEvent.PERMISSION_DATA)
    System.out.println("Received MARKET_DATA_ITEM_EVENT (misc), service = "+ marketDataItemEvent.getServiceName() + ", msgType = " + marketDataItemEvent.getMarketDataMsgType() + ", item = "+ marketDataItemEvent.getItemName());
    byte [] dacsLock = null;
    dacsLock = marketDataItemEvent.getData().clone();
    System.out.println("DACS Lock was got from the Permission data");