What does OA stand for?

As it relates to company information. Also, where can I find documentation about it?

Best Answer

  • Organizational Authority (OA). Current stragegic authority for companies. This is viewed as a replacment for the WCA (West Company Authority). Contains around 30 millions companies. Unique identifer used is the OA ID also sometimes called Perm_id. This is the unique identifier and key for the Organizational Authority Database. OA IDs are assigned by the Organization Authority group within the new Platform Information & Strategy group (formerly CMG). Each legal entity (company, government agency, NGO, etc.) will be assigned a unique OA_ID. The OA universe is essentially broken up into TR owned entities and then entities that are provided by Equifax. Both have corporate family trees but both are managed independently. Where there is overlap betwen the two, if the duplication is detected the TR entity is the one that is kept. These cases should be minimal as overlap detection is being performed, TR entities being the one that remaines when overlap is identified. Universe of roughly 32+ million entities.


  • Ryan also asked "where can I find documentation about it" - can you answer this question as well as I would also like to learn more about it.
  • Check out [OA's Hub page][1] for plenty of info and contact information for Org Authority. Included is the [OA Primer.][2] [1]:
    https://thehub.thomsonreuters.com/groups/organization-authority [2]:
  • According to Jason Knapp, the Lead Software Engineer on the WCA project, > OA (Organization Authority) is a long-term replacement for WCA as a company authority, but currently is but one information provider for WCA. WCA takes in companies from other feeds which OA does not handle such that WCA has approximately 1 million more organization than OA. The WCA also takes in auxiliary data for organizations (such as tickers and exchanges) and collates it with the standard organization info. WCA also has delivery services that OA doesn’t currently support, such as the WCA API. So, although OA will eventually take in all the feeds that WCA currently ingests, there are no current plans for OA to offer all of the services from WCA. This might mean WCA becomes a sort of “data mart” for OA, but only time will tell.