Read timed out Error

While retrieving data with ek.get_data() sometimes I get error:

ReadTimeout: HTTPConnectionPool(host='localhost', port=36036): Read timed out. (read timeout=60)

What is the best way to hadle it?

Best Answer

  • Hi,

    Some requests can spend more than 60 seconds to resolve by the platform and/or due to a low network bandwidth.

    You can increase the timeout with the function ek.set_timeout before calling ek.get_data()


  • Thank you! I'll try this option.

    Also I've noticed that restarting of Eikon API Proxy helps.

  • Can it be that sometimes API is overloaded? E.g. yesterday and today (18/09 and 19/09) data retrieving takes too much time and I get ReadTimeout errors often. I use ek.set_timeout but it doesn't seem to help much.