Cookie length limitations in the cobalt stack

We ran into a problem with the length of a cookie causing 400 bad request http responses in Advisor. I understand there are browser limitations on size (around 4 Kb) which we were well under. We are also under the total amount allowed for a domain as well. (20 x 4 Kb) Do we have IIS, Apache, BigIP, or any other technology set to restrict the length of cookies that can be sent in a request beyond what browsers already restrict?

Best Answer

  • mark.maruska
    Answer ✓
    ** Community Wiki. Please edit this answer with additional info. * __Internet Explorer__ - [Number and size limits of a cookie in Internet Explorer](

    • * at least 300 cookies * at least 4096 bytes per cookie (as measured by the size of the characters that comprise the cookie non-terminal in the syntax description of the Set-Cookie header) * at least 20 cookies per unique host or domain name
    * __BIG-IP__ - Maximum Header Size: 32768 bytes. The cookies are one part of the http header. Considering that the browser seems to support 20 x 4KB = 81,920 bytes for cookies alone and BIG-IP max header is 32,768 bytes, then that may be an issue for your scenario. Maybe you can check if the total header for your request is larger than 32,768 bytes.