How do I prevent Eclipse Indigo from shutting down my server after 45 seconds?

I have run into a problem with Eclipse Indigo, attempting to start up my Tomcat v6.0 server. I’ll start my server, the console will report that the server has started up (after so many milliseconds), and the server console will look fine and the server will accept requests correctly. But then 45 seconds later (or whatever the default timeout is set to), Eclipse will shut down the server and say that the server encounted a problem and was unable to start. One way to get around the problem is to change the server timeout time to 9999 seconds instead of the default 45, but obviously this is not ideal.

Best Answer


  • Channeling the TechOverflow admins here: "This is probably a better question for than our Thomson-specific TechOverflow". All the same, glad you found [your own] resolution.
  • You can fix the issue by just clicking on the servers and increasing the start time.

    Window > Show View > Servers

    Double click on tomcat there

    Timeouts > Change the Start In time as well as the Stop In time

    I am referring here to all Indigo, Helios or Juno, I am using the Luna currently.
  • As I stated in the original question, increasing the allowed startup time is a workaround but doesn't actually fix the Indigo bug.