Is there a way to reconnect connected UPA channels

I've written a consumer app using the UPA API and I want to get a connected channel to reconnect for testing purposes but I can't find a way of making the channel recover. I can get the channel to disconnect by calling rsslCloseChannel() but I can't get the reactor to recover. Is there a recommended way to do this ?

Best Answer

  • Unless you control the server and you close the channel from that side, the easiest way is to pull the network cable on the machine you are using or shutdown the network interface. Wait for a short while (you should see your channel go down because of the lack of network), plug the cable in/bring up the adapter and you should see the Reactor (or your app if using raw UPA) recover.


  • Thanks but I need to do it programatically for an AT. I don't control the server. I've also tried closing the eventFd on the channel but no luck. From reading the API docs, I doesn't look possible, I just wanted to check here before giving up on the test.