WebSite endpoint for OnePass reg key validation

When we were working on the Business Law Advisor product, I recall that we had to initially create an endpoint that would be called by OnePass to validate a reg key. Has this endpoint now been implemented in the Platform, or is this something each product needs to implement?

Best Answer

  • Todd Lindsey
    Answer ✓
    Website Core does have an endpoint OnePass calls to do this, below: .AddRoute("Rest.OnePassValidator", "V1/OnePassRegsitrationKeyValidator", new { controller = "OnePass", action = "ValidateRegistrationKeys" }, new { httpMethod = new HttpMethodConstraint("Post") }) The crazy thing about this setup is that OnePass has no mechanism of knowing where you came from other than the OnePass domain, so regardless of whether you are signing in with local website, or CI, DEMO, QED, OnePass will *always* call back to QED website to validate. (yes, this means that if QED website is down, so are all the lower environments!)
