Can I create a UE event from js?

For a wln feature project (napa), we display author and firm images in the search result and on the doc display. We've implemented it so that when you click on the author or firm, you go to the corresponding website (off wln). The wln session is paused and the screen is greyed out. This was pretty easy to do as there was an existing javascript function we just called. The next requirement is to create a UE event when a user clicks on one of those images. Is there an existing javascript function to create a UE event? Thanks, Ben

Best Answer


  • Yes it is possible. There are two ways to do it I believe. One way is to create a proxy endpoint through website to create the event. (This is the way I did it) Otherwise I'm almost certain that after I went with this solution, I had found some platform JS that created the event. I will update my answer once I find that bit of info.
  • We are doing something similar in Rattlesnake. We are exposing a Website endpoint that can trigger an event with the parameters we need.