WestlawNext cuttover to COSI

When is WestlawNext scheduled to start using COSI?

Best Answer

  • Support for **interactive** COSI-based sign ons in the Website platform is nearing completion - it is looking like WestlawNext will be the first Website product to use. (no specific date, but it is being worked on and should release when ready) Support for using Cosi for non-interactive scenarios (linkin, various programmatic sign on APIs) will take additional time to bring to Website platform, but it is ultimately the direction to use COSI for all authentication.


  • This is up to WLN. The website platform team is doing their part to make it possible, and then every product will be able to make the decision when they move. At some point, every product on the platform will have to move. The platform team plans on removing the existing sign in code sometime next year.