ProviderSourceType property on Entity.sources

I have a query concerning the

ProviderSourceType property on Entity.sources array. When you retrieve a screened profile for a given entity, this property for each of the sources never seems to have a value in them.

Is this the case for the majority of Entities? I am finding it hard to find an entity with values in these optional properties.

Best Answer

  • @john.crocker,

    Yes, LOCATION will's an will get documented going forward.

             "countryLinks": [
    "code": "CAN",
    "name": "CANADA"
    "countryText": "CANADA",
    "type": "POB"
    "code": "USA",
    "name": "UNITED STATES"
    "countryText": "UNITED STATES",
    "type": "RESIDENT"
    "code": "MEX",
    "name": "MEXICO"
    "countryText": "MEXICO",
    "type": "RESIDENT"
    "code": "CAN",
    "name": "CANADA"
    "countryText": "CANADA",
    "type": "RESIDENT"
    "code": "USA",
    "name": "UNITED STATES"
    "type": "LOCATION"
    "code": "MEX",
    "name": "MEXICO"
    "countryText": "MEXICO",
    "type": "LOCATION"
    "code": "CAN",
    "name": "CANADA"
    "countryText": "CANADA",
    "type": "LOCATION"
    "code": "CAN",
    "name": "CANADA"
    "countryText": "CANADA",
    "type": "NATIONALITY"


  • Hi @john.crocker,

    There are a few places where this file is implemented, can you be more specific and include a sample of which occurrence you're referring to....



  • Hi Brian

    I am talking about when you screen an individual. You get back an IndividualEntity as per the API documentation, this has a sources property with the property I am referring to above. However we are yet to see any values appearing in these optional properties of the "sources" records. See example:

    "sources":[{"abbreviation":"WCDATA","creationDate":"2013-03-21T13:41:09Z","identifier":"b_trwc_4","name":"World-Check Data","providerSourceStatus":"ACTIVE","subscriptionCategory":"STANDARD"}]

    Note it doesnt contain a "type" (ProviderSourceType) property. and these never seem to?

    Is there any examples of this value populated in this context?

  • Brian

    I think we have solved it now, however I have noticed one more thing. With the CountryLinkType enum, we have got an unexpected value. One of our profile queries returned a enum value with type of "LOCATION" According to the documentation, valid values for this enum are


    Can you clarify please?