WebContent vs PlatformWebContent projects?


So I'm just getting going with the WebContent module. I see that there is both a "WebContent" project and a "PlatformWebContent" project in the TFS WebContent folder. What are the differences between these projects and which one should be used going forward? Thanks!

Best Answer

  • Ryan Morlok
    Answer ✓
    The project that is named just "WebContent" is the codebase prior to being platformized. It is only kept around because there are utility ruby scripts housed in its directory structure that haven't been moved out.

    Going forward, PlatformWebContent is the platform code base, and each product has it's project. The legacy WebContent project should not be included in your Eclipse workspace.

    Unlike with other modules, PlatformWebContent is not itself a web project. You always must run an explicit product.
