Is it possible to configure a RFAC++ application using the MD interface to connect to a remote dacs_

Is it possible to configure
a RFAC++ application using the MD
interface to connect to a dacs_snkd on another system for permissioning. I
believe this can be configured using the DACSMUXNAME environment variable and
an ipcroute file. Can you provide the instructions how to do this?

Best Answer

  • @Rupert Schilling

    can configure to connect to a DACS Sink Daemon (dacs.snkd) that does not reside
    on the localhost with the application. This
    is useful in cases where installing a local DACS daemon is not appropriate,
    with the understanding that performance will be degraded.

    that you have configured RFA to use a remote DACS daemon. This requires
    the following steps:

    the following to the services file:


    environment variables must be set correctly.

      environment variable is used to inform the DACS Library that the DACS daemon is
      located on a different machine then the DACS Library. Define this variable and
      set it equal to "dacs_lib.sink" so that it may be used in the
      ipcroute file to specify the location of the DACS daemon.

    For example (on a UNIX machine)


      environment variable is used to inform the DACS Library that heartbeat messages
      should be sent between the DACS Library and the DACS daemon. This option should
      only be used when the DACSMUXNAME option is being used.


    Once the above variables have been successfully configured, add the following
    line to your ipcroute file to complete the configuration. (If the ipcroute file
    doesn't already exist, you will need to create one.)


    Note that this line can
    contain a space separated list of <host_with_dacs_daemon> just like when
    listing multiple Sink Distributors to which an SSL application can connect.

    dacs_lib.sink:local_hostname:remote_dacs_hostname1, remote_dacs_hostname2

    The ipcroute file should be in the
    working directory of the application, or in another location where it will be
    found by SSL lib used by RFA.

    the connection to remote_dacshostname1 fails, RFA
    will attempt a connection to remote_dacs_hostname2.
