Link Validation in Alerts Documents

Hi, We have some content that has link elements within it – some point to GUIDs that exist in Novus, others point to GUIDs that don’t yet exist (and possibly never will). My problem is that I can’t ask the Alerts service to ask Novus to validate those links so that we only render links to content that is actually available. When displaying documents on MAF, we tell Novus what a “link” is for that collection set (e.g. @tuuid, md.fulltext, etc.) and it returns com.tlrg.nsa.clientapi.document.Document instances that have link information populated that are accessible via com.tlrg.nsa.clientapi.document.Document.getLinks(). This information is then made available in the XML so the XSLs can determine whether or not to render a link. I've been in touch with PRISM Data Services who have suggested that I would need to raise a CR to have this functionality developed. But even then, there would still need to be a way for the Alerts service to understand what a "link" is for that content in the same way as the MAF App does for doc display and delivery, etc. Does anyone else do link validation in Alerts somehow? I see things like the validguids in skins/wlhk/alerts-servlet/link-templates.xsl, but I don't see how that works - where's coming from? Many thanks in advance, Dave