GTLRMaxwell Unit Tests Failing Locally

The unit tests for the GTLRMaxwell project are all failing with the error below. It appears that essentially what is happening is that the assemblies are being placed in the out directory but the method *AssemblyInitialize.Load* is lookings for them in *out/products*. Any ideas on how to fix this? Thanks in advance! Failed ViewFilingDocumentTest Cobalt.Website.GTLRMaxwell.UnitTests Assembly Initialization method Cobalt.Website.GTLRMaxwell.UnitTests.AssemblyInitialize.Load threw exception. System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: Could not find a part of the path 'D:\data\Website\GTLRMaxwell\TestResults\U0161201_U0161201-W7A 2012-11-27 12_59_08\Out\Products'.. Aborting test execution.