How can I manually end a Cobalt user session?

I'd like to be able to end a session without logging out or clearing cookies on the client side. I can change my local Website code to force a timeout after a short amount of time, but this is not ideal. Is there an easier way to do this?

Best Answer

  • There's support within UDS for UberGui to kill a specific user session. It basically lets AMS mark a specific session id for killing, and the Session Reaper should end that session within a few minutes. UDS developers can also end sessions manually. It depends how often you are going to need to do this, and in what environment, but you might talk to UberGui folks to see if you can get access to that page. Or if it is just once in a blue moon, you can probably contact the UDS team (Co-CommonModules-Dev email group) to do it manually.


  • I would just clear your cookies. There are quite a bit cookie plugins for Chrome or Firefox that allow you to clear cookies for the current page you are on. You can then clear your cookies with a simple keyboard shortcut (I have mine as CTRL + SHIFT + O). The Session Reaper will then kill/cleanup your session in a matter of minutes because it won't be getting pinged from the client.
  • The problem is I'm doing this on an iPad, which clears both cache and cookies at the same time. I need to end the session without the cache being cleared.
  • I think what Jeff is looking for is a tool that lets you end a user's session from a separate computer. Something like the session info tool that lets you kill a session if it is active.