Are there url parameters to set Feature Access Controls

Much of the content w/in our product has reporting names setup in CS-LOC but not in SAP's RRQ environments. This means trying to access full text documents from this content is blocked via authorization checks. I know we can override this on the routing page by Granting ignoreAuthorizationBlocks under the feature selections. My question is there a way to set this GRANT via a url parameter so QED folks can script tests for this easier.

Best Answer


  • This doesn't seem to change anything on the routing page visibly-- is it supposed to? Or does it just rely on POST-ing to the same URL as the GET and thus the extra things are factored in? Thanks!
  • As far as I can remember, the feature selections section of the routing page isn't updated with URL parameters when it is created (unlike module URLs, etc.). The feature access controls on the URL are only processed with the "saveAndShowSignOnPage" flag set to true, which goes down a different code path in the routing controller.
  • What Matt mentions is correct. They are not updated on the page itself :(
  • I've updated the routing page to visibly update when feature access controls are in the query string (In CI on 2013/3/20).