Create a new NIP Publisher

Please someone advise what are required to create a new Non-Interactive publisher using RFA.

My understanding is that

  1. we need to have a new service/channel like ‘IDN_SELECTFEED’
  2. ADH access point to publish the data to the newly created service
  3. DACS permissioning
  4. To have local cache for recovery

Best Answer

  • Jirapongse
    Jirapongse admin
    Answer ✓

    First, you need to configure ADH for the non-interactive publisher. Please refer to the ADH installation in section Non-Interactive Publisher and Configuring the Non-Interactive Publisher.

    Then, configure and run a StarterProvider_NonInteractive example in RFA.NET package to connect to the ADH. Please make sure that the published service name is similar to the service name configured in ADH.

    In conclusion, you need:

    1. TREP (ADH/ADS)
    2. DACS (Optional)
    3. Configure ADH for the non-interactive publisher
    4. StarterProvider_NonInteractive example
    5. StarterConsumer example to connect to ADS to test the published service


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