how does iis map StaticContent (ie - Products/WestlawNext is treated as root?)

forgive this mostly java/linux developer if this is a no-brainer question, but I can't seem to figure out where Microsoft configures this... in my iis configuration (following some instructions I went through a while ago), I have my static content website pointing to my StaticContent/StaticContent/site folder as the root. However, I've noticed that it seems that files in my StaticContent/StaticContent/site/Products/WestlawNext directory are also served up through the root context (eg - points to StaticContent/StaticContent/site/Products/WestlawNext/tests/Automated/QUnitTests/AllTests.html). This seems to make sense as I run wln content. I'm sure it's configured somewhere - I just can't seem to find it. (this question is mostly out of curiosity)

Best Answer


  • aha! That makes sense - it's somewhere in big ip - not on our local iis servers. I put a file in (hello2.txt) in StaticContent/StaticContent/site/Products/WestlawNext and I can see it using this url: but not this url:
  • It's actually not BigIP, it is the local iis server that has the custom httpmodule.
  • Right, as Ron said, it is an IIS HttpModule. The difference in your requests is that when you use `localhost:81`, it doesn't know which product you are. You can get around this by editing (and **NOT** committing, _thank you very much_) the following file's "default" key to indicate your product: **$/Cobalt Static Content/Development/StaticContent/site/staticContent.config**